Inspection process
PSE (product safety certification of Electrical Appliance & materials (Japanese "fit check") is Japan electrical activities of the mandatory market access system, is an important part of the specified in the Japanese < electrical equipment safety law >, electrical activities will be divided into "special electrical activities" and "non specific electrical supplies", which contains 116 kinds of products "specific electrical supplies"; "non specific electrical supplies" contains 341 kinds of products, technical requirements including EMC and safety.
Who belongs to the "specific electrical supplies" in the catalog of products, to enter the Japanese market, must be authorized by Japan's Ministry of economy, trade and industry of the third party certification body certification, to obtain the certification certificate and on the nameplate and diamond PSE label. As shown below:
The product belongs to the "non-specific electrical supplies" in the directory, enter the Japanese market, subject to self-testing and self-declaration form confirming compliance with NEC supplies technical reference and affix circular PSE mark on the nameplate, as shown below :But to the "non specific electrical supplies" in the catalog of products, to enter the Japanese market shall be through self testing and self declaration, confirmation of compliance with the Japanese electrical appliances technology standard, and in nameplate affixed PSE to circular logo, as shown below:
More typical belong to a class a product is: switching power supply, the common type of IT equipment, audio and video products.
Typical class B products are: simple wiring casing and junction box; 100V-300V simple single-phase motor; electric household products; household electric or video game products; use light source of the civilian and household products; household and commercial electronic products; other 100V-300V electrical appliance products.
如您有相關產品需要咨詢,歡迎致電(微信同號):13418008407 獲取詳細的報價、周期等信息。